Jonathan Kennedy-Ellis, 5th-year PhD student in Prof Chemler's group
First author publication: Synthesis of Benzylureas and Related Amine Derivatives via Copper-Catalyzed Three-Component Carboamination of Styrenes in Org. Lett. (2020).
My research involves copper-catalysed difunctionalisation of alkenes, primarily using alkyl trifluoroborates as a radical source. I am currently working on enantioselective carboaminations and carboetherifications.
Being a graduate student at UB has given me the opportunity to both learn under experienced researchers such as Dr. Chemler, as well as pass my own knowledge and experiences to undergraduates as a Teaching Assistant.
When I’m not in the lab I can be found (pre-lockdown) in game stores around Buffalo, guiding adventurers through mystical and fantastical worlds as a Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master.