Joshua Wallace, 5th-year PhD student in Prof. Aga and Prof. Gardella labs
Joshua has published three research papers with Prof. Aga in the past few months, two of which were invited for a special “State of the Science” issue of the Journal of Environmental Quality on Antibiotics in the Agroecosystem. Josh’s invited, first author paper was the result of challenges in quantifying trace-levels of bioactive compounds in complex matrices and is important for addressing questions of antibiotic contamination and antibiotic resistance selection during the development of agricultural policies arising from concerns over the future of antibiotics.
Josh has also published a set of papers with Prof. Gardella examining electronic properties of new multi-layer semiconductor materials for high-speed switches and has recently had a first author paper published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B describing quantitative delineation of carbon-based materials following hydrogenation for use in post-silicon electronic materials.
Josh uses mass spectrometry and surface analytical techniques as a method for investigating environmental issues of salient public concern. Currently, he is evaluating agricultural waste treatment systems for the removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant genes with Prof. Aga, and is also working to develop a quantitative source apportionment method for atmospheric particulates and carbonaceous materials using direct surface analysis and multivariate statistical approaches with Prof. Gardella.
Josh enjoys being a graduate student at UB because of the vast interdisciplinary opportunities offered through collaborative efforts including ISEP and the NSF-IGERT programs. He served as an IGERT Fellow, through the NSF, working with graduate students from Engineering, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, American Studies, Geology, Urban Planning, and the UB Law School to develop mitigation strategies and risk-assessment models for ecosystem restoration in the City of Buffalo through UB.
Josh enjoys camping with his wife, Christine, and spending time on his family’s farm. Josh also enjoys volunteering with local and state-wide Career and Technical Education (CTE) organizations where he works to incorporate more applied science into core high school business and agricultural education.