October 2020: Steven Travis

Steven Travis.

Steven Travis, 5th-year PhD student in Prof Aga's group


Two first author papers:

  • Travis, S. C.;  Pérez-Fuentetaja, A.; Aga, D. S., Evidence of continued exposure to legacy persistent organic pollutants in threatened migratory common terns nesting in the Great Lakes. Environment International 2020, 144, 106065.

  • Travis, S. C.;  Aga, D. S.;  Queirolo, E. I.;  Olson, J. R.;  Daleiro, M.; Kordas, K., Catching flame retardants and pesticides in silicone wristbands: Evidence of exposure to current and legacy pollutants in Uruguayan children. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 740.

I also have another first author paper under review in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry and a 3rd author paper in Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters also under review.


My research focuses on developing methods to analyze persistent organic pollutants in various environmental matrices. The optimized methods are then applied to measure chemical exposures in different populations such as humans and wildlife.

I enjoy being a graduate student at UB because there are many opportunities to collaborate on research projects not only within the Chemistry labs but also in other departments. Working in environmental research, we also are lucky to be so close to the Great Lakes allowing us to have access to valuable ecological locations.

Outside of research, I enjoy trying new local restaurants and hanging out with friends for pizza and game night. I also enjoy working my car and fixing various things around the house.


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