Rebecca Cipollina


Rebecca Cipollina.

Rebecca Cipollina


Rebecca Cipollina


Research Interests

Social psychology; stigma and health; identity disclosure; concealable identities; health disparities; LGBTQ+


  • PhD, Rutgers University


My research seeks to document key mechanisms through which belonging to a socially derogated (i.e., stigmatized) group worsens feelings of belonging and health outcomes of people with non-visible and visible stigmatized identities (e.g., LGBTQ+ identity, physical disability). Some of my research seeks to combat societal stigma that worsens health outcomes for marginalized groups by documenting when and why discussions of stigmatized identities are avoided despite being beneficial to stigmatized groups. For example, my research documents the need for explicit identity-affirming cues (and discussions) in academic, organizational, and healthcare settings to combat stigmatized groups' disparities in felt belonging in these settings.

Selected Publications

  • Cipollina, R., & Wang, K. (in press). Sexual and gender minority college students’ perceptions of sexuality blindfolding. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
  • Cipollina, R., Eddy, Z., & Sanchez, D. T. (2024). Contested sexual identities and bi+ groups’ identity disclosure experiences. Journal of Bisexuality, 24(1), 1-25. doi:10.1080/15299716.2023.2285065
  • Cipollina, R., Chaney, K. E., & Sanchez, D. T. (2023). Factors that contribute to accurately perceiving anti-Black racism and sexism overlap. Journal of Social Psychology. doi:10.1080/00224545.2023.2246636
  • Cipollina, R., & Sanchez, D. T. (2023). Racial identity safety cues and healthcare provider expectations.Stigma and Health, 8(2), 159–169. doi:10.1037/sah0000265
  • Manning, R. B., Cipollina, R., Lowe, S., Bogart, K. R., Ostrove, J., Adler, J. M., Nario-Redmond, M. R. & Wang, K. (2023). Barriers to mental health service use among people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rehabilitation Psychology. doi:10.1037/rep0000512
  • Cipollina, R., Sanchez, D. T. & Mikrut, E. M. (2022). Disclosing mental illness to share or test stigma? Disclosure motivations and disclosure directness. Stigma and Health. doi:10.1037/sah0000428
  • Cipollina, R., Pereira-Jorge +, I., & Sanchez, D. T. (2022). Perceptions of racial essentialism and social identity threat. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26(7). doi:10.1177/1368430222112392
  • Cipollina, R., Sanchez, D. T., Egert, A., Albuja, A. F., Dominick, J. K., & Maimon, M. R. (2022). Disclosure style and response engagement during disclosures of concealable stigmatized identities. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(2), 466-475. doi:10.1177/19485506211034390
  • Cipollina, R., & Sanchez, D. T. (2022). Identity cues influence sexual minorities’ anticipated treatment and disclosure intentions in healthcare settings: Exploring a multiple pathway model. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(7), 1569-1582. doi:10.1177/135910532199598