Larry Hawk


Larry Hawk.

Larry Hawk


Larry Hawk


Coordinator of Research Advancement

Research Interests

Smoking and vaping; cessation; treatment mechanisms; psychophysiology; reinforcement; cognition and motivation/emotion


  • PhD, University of Alabama - Birmingham

Current Research

A controlled evaluation of abstinence-induced withdrawal and motivation to vape/smoke among daily ENDS users vs. cigarette smokers. Withdrawal is considered a major feature of nicotine/tobacco addiction and a key challenge to quitting smoking and/or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). However, little is known about nicotine withdrawal in ENDS users or its role in driving product use. This project systematically and comprehensively characterizes withdrawal among daily vapers compared to daily smokers, filling gaps in our understanding of ENDS dependence/abuse liability and contributing to the development of therapies.

Automatic detection of vaping rate and patterning in the lab and the natural environment using Flexible, Robust Instrumentation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (FRIENDS). Our ability to accurately characterize and non-obtrusively track ENDS puff behavior is quite limited. To overcome this barrier, this research uses a novel Flexible Robust Instrumentation of ENDS (FRIENDS) monitor to assess puff behavior in the lab and natural environment. We aim to advance our understanding of ENDS use behavior, make available to the field a validated, inexpensive, and accurate method for future studies, and guide the development of improved self-report assessments.

EVarQuit: Extinguishing cigarette smoking via extended pre-quit varenicline. This project aims to improve cessation rates obtained with varenicline by a simple but theory-based manipulation: increasing the duration of pre-quit varenicline treatment from 1 to 4 weeks. Positive results of this trial can be readily applied to reduce the public health burden of smoking, and the mechanistic data collected in the study will refine theory and guide treatment development. 

We collaborate on other funded projects, with our lab focusing on cognitive performance and clinical psychophysiology:

Selected Publications

  • Cooper, R.K., Mahoney, M.C., Tiffany, S.T., Colder, C.R., Tyndale, R.F., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2024). Relationships between the nicotine metabolite ratio and laboratory assessments of smoking reinforcement and craving among adults in a smoking cessation trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 26, 604-611. DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntad232.
  • Hawk, L.W., Jr., Murphy, T., Hartmann, K.E., Burnett, A., & Maguin, E. (2024). A randomized controlled trial of a team science intervention to enhance collaboration readiness and behavior among early career scholars in the CTSA network. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 8(1), e6. DOI: 10.1017/cts.2023.692
  • Dahne, J., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2023). Health equity and decentralized trials. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.6982.
  • Tonkin, S.S., Gass, J.C., Wray, J.M., Maguin, E., Mahoney, M.C., Colder, C.R., Tiffany, S.T., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2023). Evaluating declines in compliance with ecological momentary assessment in longitudinal health behavior research. Journal of Medical Internet Research25, e43826. DOI:
  • Hawk, L.W., Jr., Tiffany, S.T., Colder, C.R., Ashare, R.L., Wray, J.M., Tyndale, R.F., Brandon, T.H., & Mahoney, M.C. (2022). Effect of extending the duration of pre-quit treatment with varenicline on smoking abstinence: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 5(11):e2241731. DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.41731.
  • Tonkin, S.S., Colder, C., Mahoney, M.C., Swan, G., Cinciripini, P., Schnoll, R., George, T., Tyndale, R.F., Lerman, C., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2022). Evaluating treatment mechanisms of varenicline: Mediation by affect and craving. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. DOI: PMID: 35639828. [Editor’s Choice]
  • Cooper, R.K., Lawson, S.C., Tonkin, S.S., Ziegler, A.M., Temple, J.L., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2021). Caffeine enhances sustained attention among adolescents. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology29(1), 82-89. DOI:10.1037/pha0000364. PMID: 32437192.
  • Lawson, S.C., Gass, J.C., Cooper, R.K., Tonkin, S.S., Colder, C.R., Mahoney, M.C., Tiffany, S.T., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2021). The impact of three weeks of pre-quit varenicline on reinforcing value and craving for cigarettes in a laboratory choice procedure. Psychopharmacology, 238, 599-609. DOI:
  • Mahoney, M.C., Park, E., Schlienz, N.J., Duerr, C., & Hawk, L.W. (2021). Transitioning to remote clinic visits in a smoking cessation trial during the SARS coronavirus-2 pandemic: Mixed methods evaluation. JMIR Formative Research, 5(4), e25541. DOI: PMID: 33878020.
  • Tonkin, S., Williams, T., Simms, L., Tiffany, S., Mahoney, M., Schnoll, R., Cinciripini, P., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2020). Withdrawal symptom, treatment mechanism, and/or side effect? Developing an explicit measurement model for smoking cessation research. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 482-491. PMID: 30535357. PMCID: PMC7164574.
  • Hawk, L.W., Jr., Fosco, W.D., Colder, C.R., Waxmonsky, J.G., Pelham, W.E., Jr., & Rosch, K.S. (2018). How do stimulant treatments for ADHD work? Evidence for mediation by improved cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12917.
  • Schlienz, N., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2017). Probing the behavioral and neurophysiological effects of acute smoking abstinence on drug and non-drug reinforcement during a cognitive task. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19, 729-737. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntw277.
  • Rhodes, J.D., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2016). Smoke and mirrors: The overnight abstinence paradigm as an index of disrupted cognitive function. Psychopharmacology233(8), 1395-1404.DOI:10.1007/s00213-016-4227-8. PMID: 26875757.
  • Hawk, L.W., Jr., Ashare, R.L., Rhodes, J.D., Oliver, J., Cummings, K.M., & Mahoney, M.C. (2015). Does extended pre-quit bupropion aid in extinguishing smoking behavior? Nicotine & Tobacco Research,17, 1377-84. PMID: 25589680.
  • Lerman, C., Schnoll, R.A., Hawk, L.W., Jr., Cinciripini, P.M., George, T.P., Wileyto, E.P., Swan, G.E., Benowitz, N.L., Heitjan, D.F., & Tyndale, R.F. on behalf of the PGRN-PNAT Research Group (2015). A randomized placebo-controlled trial to test a genetically-informed biomarker for personalizing treatment for tobacco dependence. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 3(2), 131-138. PMID: 25588294. PMCID: PMC4480925.