Jennifer Read


Jennifer Read.

Jennifer Read


Jennifer Read


Research Interests

Contributors and consequences of harmful drinking; intersection of trauma (including sexual trauma) and substance use; PTSD-alcohol use disorder comorbidity


  • PhD, University of Rhode Island

Current Research

I am interested in the etiology of and intervention for hazardous alcohol and other substance use. My most recent work has focused around two areas: (1) psychosocial determinants of problem substance use, particularly among young adults, and (2) the intersection of trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms with alcohol and other drugs.

My research on young adult drinking has examined both environmental and individual determinants of alcohol use utilizing laboratory and survey approaches. In particular, my research examines how individual-level factors such as gender, affective state, and alcohol cognitions (e.g., expectancies, motives) may account for differential responses to the social environment. We recently have begun an NIAAA-funded examination of geospatial risk for affect-driven substance use (R21 AA029279-01A1) to understand how alcohol cues in our daily environment may contribute to drinking risk.

In the area of the intersection of trauma, posttraumatic stress, and substance use, I have been funded by both federal (e.g., National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute on Drug Abuse) and private organizations to study complex associations among trauma, posttraumatic stress, and drinking. This includes longitudinal studies of associations between these two clinical phenomena, as well as laboratory-based studies of co-occurrence. Much of my recent work is focused on understanding the role of alcohol in a particular type of trauma, sexual assault. One line of work seeks to understand women’s developmental and contextual risk for alcohol-involved sexual assault, and the other is studying how friends can help prevent alcohol-involved assault risk (R01 AA016105; R34AA027046)

I also study the measurement and evaluation of negative consequences resulting from heavy drinking or problem cannabis use in college students. Along with my colleagues, I developed the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (YAACQ) which assesses multiple domains of alcohol consequences. We also developed the Marijuana Consequence Questionnaire (MACQ), based on the YAACQ.

Selected Publications

  • Wiseblatt, A., Zaso, M., Kerr, E., & Read, J. P. (in press). A meta-analytic review of the relationship between alcohol and bystander intervention for sexual assault. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
  • Biehler, K. M., Jenzer, T., & Read, J. P. (in press). Daily level self-compassion and coping-motivated drinking. Mindfulness.
  • Zaso, M. J., Livingston, J. A., Shaw, R. J., Colder, C. R., & Read, J. P. (in press). Self-protection in the social context: A daily-level examination of young adult women's perceived need for and engagement in sexual assault protective behavioral strategies. Psychology of Violence.
  • Wiseblatt, A., Testa, M., Read, J. P. (2023). Alcohol and sexual “hookups” as differential mechanisms of sexual assault risk in White and Black college women. Violence Against Women.
  • Zaso, M. J., Troidl, I. R., & Read, J. P. (in press). What is the role of affective cognition in trauma and PTSD-related drinking? A systematic review. Clinical Psychological Science.
  • Cheesman, A. J., & Read, J. P. (2023). Prospective pathways from affect to drug outcomes: refusal self-efficacy in the context of peer influences. Substance Use and Misuse, 58, 1587-1597.
  • Shaw, R. J., Paige, K. J., Livingston, J. A., Colder, C. R., & Read, J. P. (2023). Intoxication and poor executive control impact the effectiveness of sexual assault protective behaviors on the daily level. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, 9015-9038.
  • Jenzer, T., Egerton, G., Shaw, R. J., Cheesman, A., & Read, J. P. (2022). Coping flexibility and alcohol-related outcomes: Examining coping motives as mediators. Substance Use and Misuse, 57, 2031-2041
  • Rodriguez-DiPaolo, L. & Read, J. P. (2022). Trauma cue-elicited emotional response profiles influence acute experiences of alcohol urge. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 77, 1-12.
  • Blayney, J. A., Jaffee, A., Carroll, Q., & Read, J. P. (2022). Contextual risk for nonconsensual sexual experiences: An application of routine activity theories among first-year college women who drink alcohol. Psychology of Violence, 12, 52-62.
  • Shaw, R. J., Read, J. P., & Colder, C. R (2022). Social goal orientation differentially influences exposure to interpersonal and non-interpersonal trauma. Traumatology, 28, 138-148.
  • Blayney, J. A., Jenzer, T., Jaffe, A. E., Carroll, Q., & Read, J. P. (2022). Friends-based protective strategies and unwanted sexual experiences: A daily diary examination of first year college women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 46, 162-175.
  • Read, J. P., Egerton, G., Cheesman, A., Steers, M. (2022). Classifying risky cannabis involvement using the Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire (MACQ). Addictive Behaviors, 129, 107236.
  • Zaso, M. J., Read, J. P., & Colder, C. R. (2021). Coping-motivated escalations in adolescent alcohol problems following early adversity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 37(2), 331-340.
  • Read, J. P., Colder, C. R., Livingston, J. A., Maguin, E., & Egerton, G. (2021). Alcohol and cannabis co-use and social context as risk pathways to sexual assault. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35, 659-663.