David W. Shucard


David Shucard.

David W. Shucard


David W. Shucard


Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics and Psychology

Research Interests

Neural basis of attention, cognition, and cognitive control in healthy and impaired individuals; clinical neurophysiology; clinical and experimental neuropsycholgy


  • PhD, University of Denver

Current Research

My research is in the area of cognitive and behavioral neuroscience with particular interest in the neurophysiological basis of cognitive functioning, intellectual abilities, and attention in healthy and impaired individuals. Animal models have been studied. The major current methodological approach used in the Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurosciences, which I direct, is dense electrode electrophysiology, mainly event-related brain potentials (ERPs), to study cognitive processes such as working memory and cognitive control (executive function). Electrophysiological measures are often used in combination with MRI, neuropsychological, and behavioral measures. Recent work with clinical populations has focused on cognitive disturbances in autoimmune disorders such Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Multiple Sclerosis. Currently we are examining the efficacy of cognitive training in patients with Multiple Sclerosis and the effects of cognitive training on brain function. Other current research has been directed at brain mechanisms of cognitive control such as conflict resolution and response inhibition and how cognitive control mechanisms are disrupted by traumatic events and symptoms of PTSD in police officers and in civilian controls.  We are also examining the ability of photobiomodulation treatment (low level laser therapy) to improve cognitive and brain functioning in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Both electrophysiology and neuropsychology are used to determine the effect of treatment on cognitive functioning in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. The development of novel electrophysiological markers of neural efficiency and cognitive function via state-of-the art dense electrophysiological techniques is an overriding focus of the research as we address theoretical questions pertaining to cognitive neuroscience. In general, the research takes a systems approach to understanding cognitive functioning. Individual differences in behavior and brain function are a significant orientation of our studies.

Selected Publications

  • Covey, TJ, Shucard, JL, & Shucard, DW. Working memory training and perceptual discrimination training impact overlapping and distinct neurocognitive processes: Evidence from event-related potentials and transfer of training gains. Cognition, in press.
  • Covey, TJ, Arany, P, Meynadasy, M, Mang, T, & Shucard, DW. Photobiomodulation as a potential therapeutic  intervention for improving cognitive and functional outcomes in traumatic brain injury. In: Photobiomodulation in the Brain, Hamblin, M.R. and Huang, Y., Eds, Elsevier, in press.
  • Covey, T.J., Shucard, J.L., Benedict, RHB, Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca & Shucard, D.W. Improved cognitive performance and event-related potential changes following working memory training in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal-Experimental, Translational, & Clinical, January-March 2018, 1-15.
  • Covey, T.J., Shucard, J.L., & Shucard, D.W. Event-related potential indices of cognitive dysfunction and brain resource allocation during working memory in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017.128, 604-621.
  • Mang, T.S., Mohammed, M.M. Shucard, D.W., Hua, S., & Sachs, F. Effects of low level laser exposure on calcium channels and intracellular release in cultured astrocytes. Mechanisms of Photomodulation Therapy XI, Edited by MR. Hamblin, J. D. Carroll, P. Arany. Proceedings of the SPIE. 2016, 9695,
  • Shucard, D.W., Covey, T.J., & Shucard, J.L. Single trial variability of the P3 event-related potential as an index of neural efficiency during working memory. Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 20169743, 273-283.
  • Covey, T.J., Shucard, J.L, & Shucard, D.W. Evaluation of inhibitory control and distraction using event-related potentials in healthy individuals and patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, 9743, 165-176.
  • Cesar, B., Dwyer, M.G. Shucard, J.L., Polaka, P., Bergsland, N., Benedict, R., Weinstock-Guttmann. B., Shucard, D.W., Zivadinov, R. Cognitive and white matter tract differences in MS and diffuse Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2015, 36, 1874-1883.
  • Shucard, J.L. & Shucard, D.W. Electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies of cognitive control: Introduction to special issue. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 87, 215-216.
  • Shucard, J.L. & Shucard, D.W. (Invited Co-Editors). Electrophysiological and Neuroimaging Studies of Cognitive Control: Evidence from Go/NoGo and other executive Function Tasks. Special Issue of the International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013, 87(3).
  • Zivadinov, R., Shucard, J.L., Hussein, S., Dufree, J., Cox, J.L., Bergsland, N., Dwyer, M.G., Benedict, R.H.B., Ambrus, J., Shucard, D.W. Multimodal imaging in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with diffuse neuropsychiatric involvement. Lupus, 2013, 22, 675-683.
  • Shucard, J.L., Cox, J., Shucard, D.W., Fetter, H., Chung, C., Ramasamy, D., & Violanti, J. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are related to structural MRI and behavioral measures of affective stimulus processing in police officers. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2012, 204, 25-31.
  • Covey, T.J., Zivadinov, R., Shucard, J.L., & Shucard, D.W. Information processing speed, neural efficiency, and working memory performance in Multiple Sclerosis: Differential relationships with structural imaging. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2011, 33(10), 1129-1145.
  • Shucard, J.L., Lee, W.H., Safford, A.S., Shucard, D.W. The relationship between processing speed and working memory demand in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Evidence from a visual N-Back task. Neuropsychology, 2011, 25, 45-52.
  • Shucard, J.L., Tekok-Kilic, A., Shiels, K., & Shucard D.W. Stage and load effects on ERP topography during verbal and spatial working memory. Brain Research, 2009, 1254, 49-62.