Craig Colder


Craig Colder.

Craig Colder


Craig Colder


SUNY Distinguished Professor
Director of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Individual, family, and community influences on child and adolescent aggression and substance abuse


  • PhD, Arizona State University

Current Research

My research interests are in identifying multiple levels of influence that contribute to the development of adolescent substance use. These levels include individual differences (e.g., temperament and personality), family influences, and community factors.

Selected Publications

  • Reynolds, A., Paige, K. J., Colder, C. R., Mushquash, C. J., Wendt, D. C., Burack, J. A., & O'Connor, R. M. (2024). Negative affect and drinking among indigenous youth: Disaggregating within- and between-person effects. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Advance online publication.
  • Ramer, N. E., Perhamus, G. R., & Colder, C. R. (2024). Reinforcement sensitivity theory and externalizing problems across early adolescence: Testing within-person reciprocal associations. Developmental Psychology, 60, 545–559.
  • Ramer, N.E., Fox, S.E., Meisel, S.N., Kiss, N, Page, J.L., Hopwood CJ, & Colder, C.R. (2023). Variance decomposition of the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics (CAID) system: Assessing sources of influence and reliability of observations of parent-teen interactions. PLoS ONE, 18, e0292304.
  • Zaso, M.J., Read, J.P., & Colder, C.R. (2023).  Social influences on alcohol outcome expectancy development from childhood to young adulthood: A narrative review.  Current Addiction Reports, 10, 690-701.
  • Fosco, W.D., Meisel, S.N., Weigard, A., White, C.N., & Colder, C.R. (2022). Computational modeling reveals strategic and developmental differences in the behavioral impact of reward across adolescence. Developmental Science, 25, e13159 [PMID: 34240533].
  • Meisel S.N., & Colder, C.R. (2022).  An examination of the joint effects of child social goals and parenting styles on adolescent drinking trajectories.  Development and Psychopathology, 34, 1125-1143. [PMID: 33446290]. [PMID: 33446290].
  • Meisel S.N., Colder C.R., & Hopwood C.J. (2022). Assessing parent-adolescent substance use discussions using the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics. Journal of Personality Assessment, 104, 800-812. [PMID: 35025716].
  • Paige, K.J., Ramer, N.E., & Colder, C.R. (2022). Developmental cascade effects of parental depression on offspring substance use across adolescence. Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50, 933-944. [PMID: 35091870].
  • Paige, K.J., Egerton, G., Ramer, N.E., Page, J., Kiss, N., & Colder, C.R. (2022).  The acquired preparedness model of cannabis use in emerging adulthood: Comparing within- and between-person effects. Journal of Studies on Drugs and Alcohol, 83, 430-438.[PMID: 35590184]
  • Paige, K.J., Weigard, A., & Colder, C.R. (2022).  Reciprocal associations between positive implicit attitudes and heavy drinking in emerging adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46, 262-276. [PMID:  35152465].
  • Scalco, M. D., Lorenzo-Luaces, L., Evans, M., Sloss, A., Read, J. P., & Colder, C. R. (2022). Conceptualization of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Can theoretical or data driven approaches improve the construct validity of AUD? Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology50, 1605–1618. [PMID: 36048372]