Amatryx game night, Tuesday, September 24 in CFA 235 from 6-8 PM
Tuesday, September 24 in CFA 235 from 6-8 PM
For this first game night, we’ll be featuring games by lab members Joan Nobile and Famous Clark, followed by some just-for-fun play time of Age of Mythology Retold, a spinoff of the classic Age of Empires games. We’ll also have a brief QA session about Amatryx’s work, current projects, and how to join for those interested—we are welcoming new members!
Each month Amatryx hosts a game night with the first half dedicated to constructive feedback on creative projects (including but not limited to games—we’ve featured poetry, electronic literature, short films, and more!) and the second half dedicated to playing a game together for fun. Lab members get priority for sharing their creative projects at game nights, but we also welcome folks outside of the lab or games courses to share their work too—just let us know, and we can work you into the schedule! Snacks and refreshments provided at each game night.
About Amatryx:
Amatryx Gaming Lab & Studio (AGLS) is a lab in the Department of Media Study at University at Buffalo dedicated to gaming, virtual reality, social justice, and community storytelling projects. The lab combines cutting edge research on games, culture, and narrative with development projects in analogue, digital, and virtual reality games. Amatryx is committed to the diverse exploration of social justice narratives with intersectional queer and feminist values, such as antinormativity, relationality, coalitionality, and resistance. Here we think critically about play and narrative as means for imagining more equitable and transformative futures. We strive to act ethically and with integrity as we interact with and empower our members and the communities we aim to serve.