“The Legacy of Love Canal: An Intimate Conversation with Lois Gibbs”
DATE: April 20, 2023
TIME: 6–8p.m.
LOCATION: Center for the Arts 112
UB North Campus
Lois Gibbs was raising her family in the Love Canal neighborhood of Niagara Falls, New York in 1978 when she discovered that her home and those of her neighbors were sitting next to 20,000 tons of toxic chemicals. That shocking discovery spurred Lois to lead her community in a three-year struggle to protect their families from the hazardous waste buried in their backyards. Her leadership led to the relocation of 833 Love Canal households, litigation against the chemical companies, and the passing of the EPA’s CERCLA Act that led to designating Superfund Sites. While today the words “Love Canal” evoke a public health tragedy based on gross negligence, Lois Gibbs’ name has become synonymous with the power of grass roots organizing.
Tickets are free, but must be reserved in advance. For more information, visit arts-sciences.buffalo.edu/evs-seminar
EVENT SPONSORS: Department of Environment and Sustainability, Department of Media Study, and the University Archives, University Buffalo