Videosphere: You Are Always On A Screen Somewhere.
Opening Reception: Friday, April 28th from 6pm to 9pm on the 2nd Floor of 1270 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14213.
Exhibit schedule:
Videosphere: You Are Always On A Screen Somewhere, is a video art installation which compresses the occupation of space of multiple video devices with the presence of video technologies past and present as a local surveillance network. The live chaining of screens, signals, and self-surveillance questions: where is the center of observation in a place where you cannot watch without being seen live and interacting on another screen.
This interactive video installation features a variety of closed-circuit loops, feedback loop, Peer2Peer video, multimedia screens, and video-based VR.
Thesis Committee Faculty Members
Mark Shepard - Jason Gesitweidt - Dave Pape - Sama Waham