Kalpana Subramanian at Signal Culture
KALPANA SUBRAMANIAN is an artist-filmmaker, educator and Ph.D candidate at the Department of Media Study at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her research focuses engages transcultural and interdisciplinary modes of inquiry into the aesthetics of the experimental film and media. Her films have received various honors and have been screened at several festivals including the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Interfilm Berlin, Wildscreen UK, Planet in Focus, Antimatter Media Arts Festival, Olhar de Cinema (Brazil) and Digital Anthropologies. She was a Fulbright fellow at the Brakhage Center at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2015-16 and a UK Environmental Film fellow in 2006. She is also a member of Substantial Motion a research network for scholars and practitioners interested in cross-cultural exploration of media art and philosophy.