PLASMA Presents: Afroditi Psarra

Afroditi Psarra.

PLASMA Present: Afroditi Psarra

Monday, March 2, 2020


University at Buffalo, Center For The Arts, Room 112

Presentation begins at 6:30pm


Afroditi Psarra is a multidisciplinary artist and an Assistant Professor of Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington. Her research focuses on the art and science interaction with a critical discourse in the creation of artifacts. She is interested in the use of the body as an interface of control, and the revitalization of tradition as a methodology of hacking existing norms about technical objects. She uses cyber crafts and other gendered practices as speculative strings, and open-source technologies as educational models of diffusing knowledge. She holds a PhD in Image, Technology and Design from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her dissertation entitled Cyberpunk and New Media Art focuses on the merging of science fiction ideas and concepts with performative and digital practices, and offers a philosophical, sociological and aesthetic analysis of the influence of new technologies in the contemporary artistic process. Her work has been presented at international media arts festivals such as Ars Electronica, Transmediale and CTM, Eyeo, Amber, Piksel and WRO Biennale between others, and published at conferences like Siggraph, ISWC (International Symposium of Wearable Computers) and EVA (Electronic Visualization and the Arts). She has worked on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing at Disney Research Zurich. She recently won the Bergstrom Award for Art and Science for the collaborative project Listening Space, and was selected as a Mellon Foundation Faculty Fellow in the Arts at the University of Washington for the academic year 2019-20 for the collaborative research project Everyday Voices & Voids: Reclaiming our Data as Performance.