coding with donuts
DMS555 Virtual Student Show
Tuesday 12/15, starting at noon, DMS555 Virtual Student show (Jason Geistweidt's class) Zoom Link Passcode: 546946
Wednesday 12/16 Coding with Donuts
Thursday 12/17th, starting at 10am, Mani Mehrvarz, PhD Defense
Thursday 12/17th, starting at 6pm, Michael Spears, MFA candidate, Thesis screening
Friday, 12/18th, starting at 12pm (through to 2pm), Maryam Muliaee's PhD Defense
Friday, 12/18th, starting at 3pm, Michael Spears, MFA Defense
Friday, 12/18th, starting at 8pm, DMS555 Virtual Student Show (Jason Geistweidt's class) Zoom Link Passcode: 169258