Computational Media Literacies Collaboratory (First Event 10/19)
We are happy to introduce the first event put on by a new group at UB, the Computational Media Literacies Collaboratory! Coordinated by faculty members in the Learning and Instruction and Media Study departments, the CMLC will offer workshops on emerging computational technologies in dialogue across theory and practice.
Our first meeting will be an exploration of augmented reality by David Mawer (PhD Candidate in Curriculum, Instruction, and the Science of Learning) with a discussion/response from Andrew Lison (Assistant Professor of Media Study). It will take place from 6:30–8:30pm on Wednesday, October 19 in 218 Baldy Hall on North Campus (see attached flyer).
We ask that you RSVP to the event so that we know how many people to expect. We have set up a form for you to do so here:
Future events will include Joan Nobile (MFA Candidate in Media Study; November) leading a workshop on glitch art and Martin Freeman (MFA Candidate in Fine Art; February) demonstrating how to work with sonic electronics. If you might be interested in leading a workshop, please get in touch with us! We are actively looking to expand our community of people working at the intersection of emerging media, computation, and learning!
Finally, we have created a mailing list for those interested in following our events (although we will continue to circulate them to the DSSN as well). Its address is If you would like to subscribe you can do so through this link:
Hope to see some of you there.