Buffalo International Film Festival
October 8 -12, 2020
Dept. Of Media Study is excited to announce that we have a a couple of student works screening at BIFF 2020!
Mani Mehrvarz: “WORK” (58 mins, World Premiere, USA)
Azalia Muchransyah:"attention at tension" (9 minutes, World Premiere, USA)
Léwuga Benson: "Time To Leave" (8 minutes, Festival Premiere, USA)
Also screening, "The Vasulka Effect" (87 mins. Dir: Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdottir) a documentary that explores the life and work of former DMS faculty, Steina and Woody Vasulka.
Last but not least anther former DMS Professor (currently at Buff State) Meg Knowles', "Runaway" (70 minutes, NY Premiere, USA) will be screening at Dark Alley Drive In Friday, October 9th at 7:30pm.
Check here for more info about the 2020 BIFF lineup