Fantasia In Rouge: Gothic Reworldings of Fantastical Figures in Video Games
Thursday April 27th from 5:10pm to 8:30PM
Center for the Arts room 246
This project is video game adaptation of the lesbian female vampire embodied by Sheridan Le Fanu in the 1872 gothic novella Carmilla. The seminal love between its vampire and young maiden protagonists troubles historical and social oppression and parasitism forced upon definition of femininity and lesbianism.
Fantasia In Rouge adapts discourse of the female Gothic to subtly protest monsterfication of disparate groups through Le Fanu’s mythical figures.
Thursday April 27th from 5:10pm to 8:30PM
In CFA 246, there will be snacks!
Thesis Committee Faculty Members
Cody Mejeur | Paige Sarlin | Dave Pape