production still from Mr. Sisyphus (Jedi Khang , 2021, 8:52)
Department of Media Study 2022 Academic Awards:
Gregory Capasso Memorial Award: Kacey Dargout
Outstanding Senior: Kacey Dargout
Levy-King-White Award: Iam Monroe
Pierre McAloon Memorial Awards: Andrew Follette, Sara Grossman, Haven Nguyen, Olivia Paolini, Elle Regan, and Siyu Wu
Media Study Student Show 2022 Awards:
Social Issue in View: Cold Feet, (Elle Regan, 2021, 5:24)
Best Undergrad Non-Fiction Film: Condition of Cattle (Tristan Gellatly, 2021, 3:41)
Best Undergrad Experimental Film: Through the Eyes of a Child (Jill Kotwica, 2022, 2:27)
Best Undergrad Narrative Awards: Mr. Sisyphus (Jedi Khang , 2021, 8:52), The Mime (Thomas Kowalski, 2019, 8:32)
Best Undergrad Game/Coding Project: The Basement (Elle Regan, 2021, 5 mins)
Best Graduate Films: Receiving (Blake Berit, 2022, 7:20) and Beep Boop Bring Bring Awuga (Jesse Rodkin, 2022, 8:30)
Best Graduate Project: Tim Georger, high tide, flood'd (2022)